Dr. Mohammad Saeid Hejazi
Title: Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
MSc, PharmD, PhD
Dept: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Molecular Medicine
Tel: +98(41) 33372256
Fax: +98(41) 33344798
E-mail: msaeidhejazi@yahoo.com; saeidhejazi@tbzmed.ac.ir

Dr. Asghar Mesbahi
Title: Professor of Medical physics
Dept: Medical Physics Department-Medical School- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences-IRAN.
Tel: 09352400381
E-mail: mesbahiiran@yahoo.com, amesbahi2010@gmail.com

Dr. Reza Badalzadeh
Title: associate professor of Physiology
Dept: Department of Physiology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Tel: +989141107161
E-mail: badalzadehr@tbzmed.ac.ir/ reza.badalzadeh@gmail.com

Dr. Bahman Yousefi
Title: Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry
Dept: Department of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Tel: +989149117624
E-mail: Yousefi@tbzmed.ac.ir & Bahmanusefi@gmail.com